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This is what I almost did early on …
Before I got into freight brokering, I came out of an accounting background – first in central Illinois, then in Chicago. I was working in a 200-person architecture business just several blocks off of Michigan Avenue and the lakefront.
I absolutely loved it there because I knew every employee. Part of my job was to train them on the payroll software.
I actually quit that job because the company got sold and I saw the writing on the wall – broke my heart but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Then I got hired by another architecture company. It was a completely different culture and I arranged to get fired after getting their balance sheet in order.
But then … things happened …
First, the “dot-com” bust hit Chicago badly; then 9/11 happened.
People weren’t hiring so I took off toward Las Cruces, NM, near El Paso. My twin brother there was getting married.
Soon I went to work for another architecture company in El Paso. They had bought some computer software but couldn’t find anyone to install it – that was, until I arrived. I had been using the software in Chicago.
Well, the software got installed but I’m really getting tired of working for someone else.
Have you ever felt this way?
So, I spent hours and hours scouring the Internet looking for something new where “I” could be my own boss.
That’s when I found freight brokering. It had everything I wanted – low start up cost, high income potential, no employees and no inventory required, you could work from anywhere AND work the entire country instead of being stuck in one locale.
I jumped on it and here’s what I almost did. I had talked to several customs brokers as well as 15 other freight brokers just to learn what I could learn about the industry.
I had a “secret” way to approach them where they invited me in and one owner even sat down with me at his computer showing me some of his stuff. I didn’t ask him to do this, mind you (my secret approach kicked in).
Then one of the two customs brokers offered me office space if I could help him do some cross-border freight movement. I declined – again, I wanted INDEPENDENCE!
I brokered for several years and really had it tough – didn’t know what I was doing. But I plugged along AND documented everything I did.
This became the basis for my freight broker training. The training took off immediately! My brokerage was taking off too. I couldn’t do both so eventually I focused on training and gave up brokering.
I’m into training others – it’s my passion.
Well it’s been over 18 years now and what a ride. I’ve helped over 800 people start their own brokerages.
I tried to restart my brokerage two different times but couldn’t pull it off – had to sleep sometime.
And now I want to ask you a few things – are you too tired of working for someone else? Do you yearn to be free with an unlimited income potential? Even if you’re an owner operator, are you tired of using brokers when YOU could be getting your own loads?
Trust me, you could be stepping into a new world that will set you on fire.
Go here now for a simple blueprint to get you started: