Download my FREE eBook. This is a MUST HAVE resource for anyone who is considering the freight broker industry (About 40 pgs, 19 Topics) Enter your email address and name for an immediate download.

Attention Truckers, Logistics and Supply Chain Workers, Entrepreneurs! Freight Broker Training, Hotshot and Dispatcher Training

John Thomas

John D Thomas

Dear Future Freight Broker,

You may be at a crossroads at this stage in your life not knowing which way to turn. Or, you may be seeking a solid, realistic opportunity without much luck. If you’re in trucking, maybe you’re getting tired of climbing in and out of your cab. You would like to get the best freight broker training – but you don’t know where or how to start.

Here is where to start – with my powerful and effective 6-part program which makes up the best freight broker training you will ever find …


Quick Note: The NEW Atex Freight Training Group is expanding to include dispatcher training, hotshot training, bookkeeping services for owner operators plus more. Sign up for the Free eBook above to receive announcements


You Will Learn That Freight Brokering
May Not Be That Difficult or Complicated to Get Started In!

In the next several minutes, I’m going to take you through an outline of my system where you will learn about starting and maintaining a PROFITABLE freight broker business. My program is not a general introduction – it is a detailed and comprehensive solution to ALL the hurdles you may be facing.

Not just for getting your broker authority (that’s where we usually begin) but the other requirements like learning what tools you will need and how to properly use them, finding shippers who are receptive to working with you and ready to give you loads; or, how to find and prequalify motor carriers, including what you’ll need to know in the legal realm to reduce your exposure to broker liability.

This is the best freight broker training with its comprehensive materials and tools that are so powerful you’ll end up saving thousands of dollars as I help you cut through the mustard.

Manufacturing, distribution, freight, logistics, transportation, supply chain and trucking – all of these are integral parts that you will come in to contact with.

If this is what you are seeking, this may be the most important message you’ll ever have read.

Here’s why:

My name is John Thomas. I’ve been training individuals for over 20 years on how to start, run and succeed in their own freight broker business. In fact, I’ve been working for over 25 years with other small business start-ups before I got into broker training. Education, training, coaching and mentoring are my passions! This is the best freight broker training program and is based primarily upon my own previous brokerages, Atex Logistics, Inc. and Atex Freight Brokers, Inc. (MC# 453560). So, I’ve “been there, done that”.

When I got into brokering, it took nearly four months just to get organized and ready to go. Most of the time I didn’t know what I was doing and finding help in this “tight-lipped” industry is like trying to find a four-leafed clover in a sand lot.

Eventually, I started getting loads – slowly. Then one day, after working with a particular shipper for several months, I got a phone call from him. He said, “This is Ramon”.

I’m thinking, “What’s he calling ME for?”

Then he said, “I’ve got a load. I need a truck”.


After making who knows how many phone calls, finally – FINALLY someone called ME instead of me calling them! And, it slowly mushroomed from there. There were some days I could hardly get away to the bathroom!


Would YOU Like a Blueprint Where You Can
Bypass a Lot of the Needless Frustration by Getting the Best
Freight Broker Training Out There?


This comprehensive training shows you HOW to run a business – a successful business at that.

You see, I knew these industries were gigantic! Trucking, freight, logistics, the supply chain and freight brokering – they are immensely huge!

In these huge industries, there are thousands and thousands of potential customers waiting for YOU right NOW! If you would like to get on board and start moving YOUR portion of these thousands and thousands of products being shipped every day, please continue reading.

As a freight broker, you will coordinate the complete transaction between shippers and carriers and you will receive a commission for your matchmaking skills. Further, after gaining the trust and confidence of both shippers and carriers you will get repeat business; you will guarantee yourself an income stream for as long as you are in business.

After several years of brokering and documenting a huge portion of my operations, I started my freight broker training for new brokers.

Here’s a comment from one of my first clients:

I am glad I signed up for the course. It was a good experience and a good investment. It was patently obvious to me that a lot of time and attention was directed toward presenting a very professional package. I feel that I benefited a lot and now it’s up to me to put what I learned into practice. I’m particularly happy about having all the handouts and training book to use as a resource as I try to become more cognizant of the freight brokering business. Thank you for all your help.

– Dan Lambert from Dallas, TX

One of my favorite stories early in my training is about a young client who had NO idea what brokering was all about. Three months after taking my freight broker training, he called me. I’m thinking he is going to complain about not being able to find loads.

He said, “No, I’ve had as many as two hundred loads! I can’t find enough trucks! How can I find more trucks?”

Well, that’s a nice “problem” to have. He also had several big accounts to my surprise.

Now, not everyone will have 200 loads or big accounts shortly after finishing training. But, one never knows. Sometimes it’s a matter of being in the right place at the right time and you had better be ready for it. And, I’ll show you some ways to jump-start your business.

The question for you today is: What can YOU do to make money after freight broker training?


Imagine Yourself Just for a Minute …


It’s a beautiful morning and you are calling one of your steady customers – a shipper. He has a load of frozen pizzas that needs to be picked up from Chicago and delivered to Dallas. He needs a refrigerated unit (a reefer).

You go through your database of carriers that you have accumulated or you’ll search one of the load boards and you call a motor carrier. You ask them if they have a truck available to pick up in Chicago to deliver to Dallas. They check their availability and say, Yes, give me the details.

You give them all the details and tell them you will immediately fax the confirmation. In a few minutes you get the signed and dated confirmation faxed back and several minutes later, the truck driver calls you.

He is calling to let you know he is ready to hit the road and to ask for any last, specific instructions. You give them to him and wish him a safe trip. After his delivery, the carrier sends you an invoice along with the related paperwork. You turn around and invoice your shipper.

In a few weeks or sooner, you expect the payment from your shipper. When you receive your check, this normally completes the cycle.

And, it’s rinse and repeat.

Is it always this easy? Absolutely not. It’s a service-oriented business and it will take time to build solid business relationships. But many times, it IS this simple IF you know what you’re doing.

Can you see yourself doing this?

You have an opportunity here with my freight broker training. Don’t put it off. Every day you postpone this, another broker is taking loads that YOU should have.


What Kind of Benefits Can You Expect
Working As a Freight Broker?


Your business after proper freight broker training …

  • can be home-based,
  • has a high return on investment (ROI),
  • does not rely upon one geographic area,
  • can be started from scratch,
  • has relatively low start-up and operating costs
  • has a high-income potential,
  • requires no back ground check,
  • can supplement an existing trucking operation,
  • requires no special formal education or background,
  • may be run while you’re on the road in transition, and
  • with the proper determination, experience or training almost anyone can become a truck broker.

Here’s Perhaps the GREATEST Benefit!

When you invest in your freight broker venture, you have a high “ROI” opportunity. What do I mean here? ROI is your “return on investment”. It’s like you giving someone a dollar and they turn around and give you five dollars back. That’s a deal you’ll want to do over and over again. And that’s exactly how freight brokering works. You invest – you get a return greater than what you invest.

Throughout this message, you will learn WHAT I have to offer; HOW MUCH it’s going to cost; WHAT is in it for you; and, WHY you can trust me.

Many others are already on their way … after all, it’s the BEST freight broker training out there.

Here’s How My Freight Broker Training Has Impacted
Several Clients

The best informative part is the different scenarios that we went thru in regard to talk to the shipper and carrier. Also the handouts and the e-book were very acknowledgeable.

– Andrew from Salisbury, NC


Yvonne from Texas called to tell me she got such a good rate from one shipper that she had to ask him THREE times just to make sure she did not misunderstand him.

– Yvonne from Texas


Ken from Florida called to tell me he got such a good rate from a shipper he felt “guilty” when the load gave him a whooping 25% profit! I can help relieve your guilt.

– Ken from Florida


Many individuals think they can learn this business on their own.

The business concept is simple enough – find shippers, then find trucks and then put them together. Grab a commission in the process. However, when you strike out on your own you risk being perceived as incompetent and unprofessional. Shipping managers and others will spot you a mile away.

Knowing the right procedures, the right questions and the correct methods for getting a load moved safely, effectively and efficiently will mark you as a professional. Procedures need to be done in sequence or else you mess up the entire flow of things – and, you might lose a customer.

Now, right now, you may be asking yourself, “How can I find loads to get started if I’m new to the business and a small operator”? Good question.

The simple answer is, If you can’t find on-the-job training (very difficult to find), you need to get properly trained by a good mentor.

Before I got into freight brokering here in El Paso, I spoke with about 20 brokers here.

I also spoke with some shippers and truck drivers. The information that was collected was invaluable. It formed the basis for my business plan that secured my initial line of credit.

Again, based upon marketing skills, my customer acquisition advice in my freight broker training deals with the question: How many different ways are there to find customers? Many mistakenly ask, What is the “best” way or What is the “fastest” way to find shippers?

The best and fastest ways may not always be the most effective. Why?

A large part of my marketing training is on “going where no one else is going” when it comes to getting loads. The best and fastest ways will generally have you following the herd.

You don’t want to be calling on potential customers who are being called by many other freight brokers.

My Freight Broker Training Is a System,
Based Upon the Following Six-Part Instruction Manual
with Handouts, and Bonuses in Addition
to the Manual.

  1. Getting Organized and Getting Your Broker Authority, Getting your company set-up and doing the applications for the broker authority, etc.

  2. Essential Tools of the Trade, How to calculate rates, using the load boards, rate negotiation, setting up databases, etc.

  3. Finding & Working with Shippers, Preparing the set-up package, search strategies, taking the order, posting the load, etc.

  4. Prequalifying & Working with Motor Carriers, Preparing the set-up package, finding trucks, booking the load, sending and receiving the agreements and confirmations, etc.

  5. Business, Credit, Legal & Financial Issues, Load manager templates, credit, cash management, claims, accounting, potential problems, etc.

  6. Legislation & Other Related Legal Issues CSA2010, MAP21, FAST Act, HOS, avoiding negligent carrier selection, broker liability, etc.

And bonuses mentioned further below.

These six steps are what took me from zero clients to working with hundreds and hundreds of them.

And, guess what?

You can learn how to do all these things no matter where you are located and no matter where your customers and carriers are located. I’ve trained clients who were in Iraq, Kuwait, the Philippines, Okinawa, Canada and most of the states in the U.S.

Work off your kitchen table, if you like. Your shippers and carriers won’t care – they just want a good, hard-working, reliable and knowledgeable freight broker to partner up with.

This six-part strategy is the “missing link” that successful brokers have learned that others haven’t.

This is your Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Money-Making Machine That Generates Repeat Business and Streams of Income for As Long As You or Your Associates Work It.

Which leads us to the topic of “money”.

What Is Your Income Potential As a Freight Broker?

This is a frequently asked question – and a worthwhile one at that.

Realistically, the income potential is unlimited. That’s the good news. The bad news? Normally, you don’t start out with a bang and, if you are starting from scratch, it will take some time to get established.

However, while you are building your freight broker business, your overhead and operating expenses will be relatively low – telephone, office supplies, load boards and maybe the trust fund will be your biggest expenses – not much more depending on how you structure your business.

Our freight broker training will put you on a fast track that will have you calling on potential customers in about 30 days. Some established freight brokers are doing several hundred thousand dollars a year; others are going broke. Knowing how to shift the right gears is a big factor to success.

We’ll discuss using freight agents to help grow your business if you want to slam it into overdrive. Using broker agents is a different animal but worthwhile if you are willing to go down this road.

For my live freight broker training in El Paso, Texas, some come from far places; others can’t travel and sometimes I’m in Dallas and Houston for live training there – read this comment below:

The training was excellent. I was unable to travel for training and this program offered me the flexibility of training at home at a time that was convenient for me. You were very patient and I really enjoyed training with you.
– Virginia Lopez from North Miami, FL

So, What Are Your Freight Broker Training Options?

You have several ways to train:

  1. Live in El Paso, Texas (consider our new Platinum Offer – see above),
  2. Live in Dallas or Houston when I’m on the road, or,
  3. 1-on-1 with Zoom, or
  4. Online on your own

With each option, you receive:

  • A comprehensive and detailed freight broker training manual – about 100 pages,

  • About 35 handouts, some of which you’ll modify and use in your business (like the 4-page Broker-Carrier Agreement, the load confirmation, the set-up packages, etc.), and

  • Videos explaining the handouts will be offered later.

  • For the Zoom training, you’ll be emailed a link to download the manual; we’ll get together over the Internet several times a week for two or more hours or so per session. We go through the entire program – you’ll have the program in front of you on your computer – and I’ll do likewise.

With each freight broker training option, except for the Online on your own study, you have unlimited support. I’ll stick with you as long as you need me – and you’ll let me know when that is. For the online on your own study, you have up to three months of email support.

Choose which freight broker training option is best for you and start thinking about a form of doing business (LLC or sole proprietor, etc.). Start searching for an available business name. I can help to some extend on these initial items.

We do all the applications together – no sense in you struggling with these plus not being sure if they’re done correctly.

Again, be smart and get your instruction from someone who has “been there, done that”.

Each training option gives you a comprehensive, step-by-step road map, explaining what to do, how to do it, when to do it, with whom to do it, why you are doing it, plus more.

I’ve also got a number of methods and “secrets” that I’ve used that will get your attention.

Like how to create rates and check to see if they are realistic, why giving quotes is not always a good strategy, what to watch out for when negotiating with both shippers and carriers, how to approach shippers as a guest, not a pest, the pros and cons of meeting face-to-face with shippers, one effective technique that will help fight against low rates from shippers, where to go to find customers who aren’t being called on by every other broker in the country, what to expect when truckers or dispatchers call about your load and why following the herd will only lead to frustration, etc.

I have put ALL this information into a detailed, comprehensive and easy-to-read training manual called: Atex Freight Broker Pro.

And it contains the exact blueprint I used to take my brokerage and many clients from nothing to a full-fledged venture ready to rock in just several weeks.

I originally wrote my freight broker training manual to help me get my freight broker business off the ground; since then, this blueprint has transformed the lives of hundreds of other people.

But, you can’t find this for sale on the Internet or in bookstores. However, if I hear from you today, you’ll have the opportunity to instantly download and access this powerful store house of information.

In fact, if I’m in the office when you or we process the order, you can have your link in about 20 minutes to download the materials.

More on this in a moment. But first …

Once you own this freight broker training manual, you will learn or develop skills that you can use for the rest of your life no matter what type of business you end up in.

Skills that nobody can ever take from you. Skills that are timeless – and that will work today, tomorrow … and probably 100 years from now.

I’m referring specifically to the essential skills needed in your brokerage. Here they are:

  • Cash management,
  • Customer acquisition strategies,
  • Setting up operations, and
  • Planning and forecasting (and Personnel if you grow a larger company)

Make no mistake about it – this is no get-rich-quick scheme. You have to get prepared – professionally and mentally. We can help with both. You have to prove yourself to others starting out. It takes time. But once you get established, you can expect to reap 10 to 20 times your initial cost – or much more – all because you have prepared yourself with the best freight broker training available.

Let’s Outline What You Receive
in Our Comprehensive and Detailed Freight Broker Training

>>> The truck / freight broker training program covers everything you need to get properly established

You will learn everything you need to know to get set up and to operate a successful freight broker business. We start with various required applications for your broker authority. We do these applications together when you select the Zoom or live training in El Paso, Dallas or Houston. You learn where to find shippers, how to take the order, how to calculate rates, how to use the load boards, how to book loads, how to pre-qualify motor carriers, invoicing options, collection strategies, various business applications including current legal issues that impact brokers, plus much, much more.

>>> My freight broker training is step-by-step instruction.

You receive online access to the training manual that contains six major training topics, handouts, videos will be offered later and bonuses. You won’t be scratching your head wondering what to do after this training.

>>> My 1-on-1 Zoom or live freight broker training is customized for YOU.

With the one-on-one Zoom instruction or live freight broker training, we answer your questions REAL TIME. You are not left hanging. On the last day of live training, if we have time, we’ll make some actual phone calls to potential customers. My clients love doing this – very revealing.

>>> My 1-on-1 Zoom training accommodates YOUR schedule. However, I will probably set up a formal schedule in the near future for the Live and Zoom training. For the live training for now, just call to ask about scheduling for the days you desire – week days or weekends – I am here for you. Just give me a 7 to 10 day notice on the live training.

>>> You can expect the formal Zoom training to span about three days or so; and thereafter, you have unlimited support.

>>> With my freight broker training, you gain a competitive edge.

Many are getting into brokering because it appears to be simple and easy. They usually don’t last long without proper experience or training. In the meantime, they bug it up for the serious brokers. With our program, you will be able to compete with the biggest and “best” – that’s a fact!

>>> This training includes Load Manager spreadsheets as a BONUS to monitor each load. It includes a Sample Business Plan as a BONUS, a Broker-Carrier Agreement as a BONUS, two ready-to-use database templates as BONUSES, nearly 100 blog posts as a BONUS, cash flow templates as BONUSES and other materials that surpass anything else provided by other training programs.

>>> My freight broker training is affordable. We have contact information at the bottom of this page for SBA micro financing if desired.

You get great value here by avoiding other programs that require you paying for a lot of overhead – I work alone and you are not required to purchase expensive software. Plus some training options fail to deliver and – how can you recover from this if it happens?

>>> For the 1-on-1 Zoom option, can you actually learn it over the Internet? The answer is simple: if you can run an entire business over the phone and Internet, you can certainly get trained in the same manner.

You can sometimes expect very quick access to shippers either with the live or Zoom training option.

>>> You benefit from my CPA experience. Why does this matter? I have learned a lot about business finances as well as marketing.

>>> Use my 30+ years’ experience in working with small business start-ups. I know what works and sometimes, what won’t work.

This is a powerful, effective and efficient system. This is the best freight broker training you’ll ever find! Our freight broker/truck broker training puts you in business quicker than anything else and without losing the quality that you’ll need to be successful. You will use our training manual, handouts and videos as resources for months and perhaps years after training.

Picture being able to get up each morning and start moving loads all over the country with customers and carriers located all over the place. How much would it be worth for you to have your own freight broker business where you can be calling on potential customers in about 30 days? Think about it.

Now I know if you’ve gotten this far and you’re reading this, you’re probably ready to get started with the best freight broker training available anywhere … and I want to make this as affordable and easy for you to get on board …


So, Let’s Recap Your Freight Training Options: (1) Freight Broker – and Our NEW Programs – (2) Freight Hotshot Training and
(3) Freight Dispatcher Training


Click “Choose One” to Select the Training Option You Desire >>> Choose One <<<

>>> Live Training in El Paso, Texas (or Dallas, Houston or Hobbs, NM) 2 Days + a lot of Zoom – $3,495 <<<

For the Live training, you’ll need to submit a $2,200 deposit to get started. I will lock in a meeting room with your deposit plus we can get started on registering your business if needed.

The total cost for Live training is $3,495. Your balance of $1,295 is due first thing on the first day of class.

If you choose to make full payment now, you’ll get an instant $50 credit at a cost of $3,445.

Atex Freight Broker Pro – Live training – Includes online access to the training manual and handouts and Unlimited support. Bring your spouse or partner at no extra cost with shared materials. There is no Veteran discount on this live training option.

We have a Platinum Training Offer for busy people for the Live training. Call for details to help speed up getting started.

>>> 1-on-1 Via Zoom & Internet – $2.495 per person <<<
Atex Freight Broker Pro – via Zoom & Internet – 1-on-1. You receive the same materials as the Live training, including the unlimited support.

DD214 military Veterans – $2,245

>>> Atex Freight Broker Self Study- $ 1,150 <<<

Atex Freight Broker Pro – Self Study at your own pace. Same materials as above. Receive up to 3 months of email support. What other home study gives you ANY support?

DD214 military Veterans – $ 995

Click “Choose One” to Select the Training Option You Desire >>> Choose One <<<

>>> Atex Freight Hotshot Training – $750 Zoom to $1,295 Live in El Paso, Texas <<<

Get in on this hot industry. This is the best and most comprehensive hotshot training in the country. We cover not only how to get into hotshots but we also cover some of the legal aspects that cannot be ignored … AND we provide a wealth of financial guidance so you can monitor your progress. Couple all this with the unlimited support and you’ll experience the best of the best in hotshot training.
Click Here To Learn More About the Freight Hotshot Training program

>>> Atex Freight Dispatcher Training – $750 Zoom to $1,295 Live in El Paso, Texas.

Many owner operators need YOUR help in getting loads for them. This is demanding work but the income potential is solid. There is new legal guidance from the FMCSA that every dispatcher needs to understand. Call or email me to see how this might affect your work as a freight dispatcher.
Receive unlimited support after formal training.
Click Here To Learn More About the Freight Dispatcher Training

Click “Choose One” to Select the Training Option You Desire >>> Choose One <<<

Of course, if you have a question first, email or call us at 1-888-526-ATEX (2839).

Note: There are no refunds for any freight training or the materials. Handouts are in MSWord, MSExcel or PDF formats.

Order the Best Freight Broker Training on the Market Today
and Get the Following Bonuses for the Freight Broker Training Only


When you subscribe to one of the freight broker training programs, you not only get a detailed, multi-chapter training manual that covers all the essential details of freight brokering from A to Z, plus powerful handouts and videos …

But you also get several powerful bonuses included in the handouts and elsewhere that could be sold as stand-alone products. These are designed to help you put in place vital procedures and tools that are crucial for your success.

Bonus # 1

Sample Freight Broker Business Plan in MSWord format that you can modify anyway you like. This sample business plan can be used to create an effective operating blueprint or it may be used to obtain financing.

(a $200.00 value – it is yours with this training)

• For many business owners, a written business plan is absolutely essential.
• Most business owners know in their head what they want to do. But …
• Written business plans help clarify what a business owner wants to do,
• A written business plan helps to focus on some crucial aspects of running a business,
• A written business plan may also be used to get input and advice from other professionals, partners or family members.
• This sample business plan is about 30 pages in length.

Bonus # 2

Broker-Carrier Agreement in MSWord format that you can modify by replacing the name, MC#, the DOT# and other information with your own. It is YOURS to use. This agreement is time-tested and closes a lot of potential loopholes.

(an estimated $1,000 value – it is yours with this training )
• A well-prepared broker-carrier agreement will put you in control.
• It will establish expectations for both you and your motor carrier.
• It will provide guidance in the event there is a breach or non-performance.
• It will help set the framework of doing business.

Bonus # 3

Load Manager Spreadsheets in MSExcel format that you can modify. There is one for your shippers and one for carriers. You will find a lot of information here in a very compact place that will help you make important business decisions. You will calculate and monitor profit margins for each shipper, days-in-collection for receivables, number of loads, your overall profit margin, plus more.

(an estimated $300.00 value – it is yours with this training)

Bonus # 4

Shipper and Carrier Database Templates. You will save several hours of technical work in setting up your databases using our templates. Your databases of customers and carriers become your gold mines. Your active list grows in value over time – your lists are assets like any other asset.

(a $300.00 value – all you need to do is purchase a $39 software package)
• These templates will allow you to record, store, edit and search for important customer and carrier information.
• You will open your database, select “Existing Database” and bingo! You can start adding information on the fly. Note: some clients are unable to use these templates on their computers for one reason or another; therefore, I cannot guarantee 100% they will work for you.

Bonus # 5

“Insider Secrets to Successful Freight Brokering”. This eBook in PDF format is a compilation of a previous year’s blog posts from John’s blog – “Insider Secrets to Successful Freight Brokering”

(a $15.00 value – it is yours with this training)
• These blog posts cover just about every aspect of doing business as a freight broker,
• They are the product of running an actual freight broker business,
• These blog posts are also the result of nearly 10 years of industry research,
• These posts also reveal important information related to business fundamentals such as marketing, cash management, planning and operations,
• If you think that freight brokering is just learning “freight brokering” – think again,
• These blog posts will open your eyes to running your entire business.

Bonus # 6

This eBook in PDF format is titled, “The Definitive Guide to Growing Your Freight Broker Business Using Broker Agents”. It gives you a road map to sky rocket your brokerage using an army of agents.

(a $39.00 value included Free upon request)
It’s another resource that will give your brokerage explosive growth when you are ready for it.

Here’s Why You Must Act Quickly for This
Freight Broker Training

The economy is moving ahead at rapid clip. Our population is increasing. More jobs are being created. Wages are going up. Buyers are demanding more products and services. The result – there will be more freight, there will be a greater demand for trucks, there will be a greater demand for good freight brokers.

Don’t get left out. Don’t settle for crumbs when you could get the whole pie. You can get into this coming boom IF you are ready to take action today! Trust me, others are acting as we speak. Are you going to let them get their foot in a shipper’s door first?

Read what this client thinks:

Two years ago I have received training from John Thomas who owns ATex Freight Broker training out of Texas. Anyone interested in transportation brokering, this is your go to guy. People often ask me about this business.

I can give you an overview of the industry, but I am not a trainer. Anyone who is seriously interested needs to contact John. This is the best training out there, where dollar for dollar you get your money’s worth.

– Sladjana RS from Atlanta, GA

Get Started Right Now with the Best, Customized
Freight Broker Training Available!

1. Pick Up the Phone and Call Now! 1-888-526-ATEX (2839) – I’m John – your trainer – Or …

2. Click Here To Send Us an Email

3. I’ll help you decide which freight broker training program suits your needs if you are uncertain –

  • Live in El Paso, Texas (We’ve got a new Platinum Offer on this).
  • 1-on-1 via Zoom and the Internet, or
  • Home Study.

4. We’ll check our calendars.

5. Be thinking about a business name and form of doing business (Note: do NOT place your brokerage inside of a trucking or any other type of business. You must have a separate company and broker authority for the brokerage. Don’t co-mingle).

I don’t get pushy on any of this. Our freight broker training is intense and will need a strong commitment.

There may be issues to discuss and you have to feel comfortable with whichever decision you make.

But, don’t put this off. The sooner you call or email, the sooner you can get started in this fantastic venture. Call or email now!

Once you commit to one option, we will work together to prepare your applications for your broker authority. Some of it is easy – some of it is a bit tricky and may cost you $$$ IF you don’t know what you are doing. I prefer to do the application for your MC# with you together.


Lastly, Consider These Questions …
You Should Expect a “Yes” for Each One


There is a lot of confusion surrounding the freight broker training field. I want to give you 6 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any training option you obtain.

  • Does your freight broker trainer have REAL freight broker experience ?
  • Can you train without having to purchase expensive software ?
  • Is the training “nuts & bolts”?
  • Is your training one-on-one or, at least, very interactive ?
  • Does the cost of your training fit your budget? Are you getting VALUE ?
  • Has your trainer ever owned and operated ANY business ?

Need to check my credibility more? View my BBB (Better Business Bureau) verification at: Better Business Bureau

All materials are promptly emailed or are available for download after full payment is processed.

Best wishes to your success,

– John D. Thomas, President, Founder, Sole Owner, CPA