Download my FREE eBook. This is a MUST HAVE resource for anyone who is considering the freight broker industry (About 40 pgs, 19 Topics) Enter your email address and name for an immediate download.

Live freight broker training in Ontario, Garden Grove and San Diego (La Jolla), California!
… if this is what you want, read on!

You may want to supplement your trucking operation and go directly to shippers for loads. Or maybe you’re tired of climbing in and out of the truck every day all day long. It may be time to stay at home for awhile.

But, you don’t know how or where to get started with your freight broker authority, including all the step-by-step requirements to move freight as a freight broker. I understand …

When I started my brokerage nearly 20 years ago, I struggled too.

I went in circles trying to find the right direction and qualified help and I didn’t know where to go or who to trust. It took me months just to get a good start. I documented everything I did and this became the basis for my program – Atex Freight Broker Pro.

Since that time, I’ve trained hundreds and hundreds of people to set up their own brokerage and to get loads either for their trucks or for trucks all around the country – or both.

You don’t have to spend months getting organized. You can learn what you need to learn in days and you’ll learn from someone who has “been there, done that”.

*** Be the first to register and attend and win a magicJackgo Digital Phone ***

Here’s what some clients have said –

“Two years ago I have received training from John Thomas who owns ATex Freight Broker training out of Texas. Anyone interested in transportation brokering, this is your go to guy. People often ask me about this business.

I can give you an overview of the industry, but I am not a trainer. Anyone who is seriously interested needs to contact John. This is the best training out there, where dollar for dollar you get your money’s worth”.

– Sladjana RS from Atlanta, GA

“Thank you John for everything it was a pleasure working with you.. We learned a lot and I admire you for all your hard work and putting it easy for us! Thanks God bless”!

– Jessica M. from El Paso, TX

“John this was the best training I have ever taken and I have taken all kinds. Thanks so very much for such a good course and at an affordable price. Thanks again.”

– John M. from Youngstown, FL

So, in the beginning I documented everything I did and this became the basis for my program. I now want to introduce you to – Atex Freight Broker Pro. This is your fast track to freight broker success.

With my live freight broker training in Southern California, here is what you get:

  • First, you won’t have to travel far for training – then, you’ll have …
  • Live, 1-on-1 training in YOUR CITY with hands-on instruction on how to set up and operate a successful freight brokerage,
  • We’ll submit your applications for your MC#, BOC-3, UCR and trust fund/surety bond (additional charges apply) if you have a freight broker company already registered,
  • Otherwise, we’ll do these applications over the telephone and Internet after John returns to El Paso,
  • Comprehensive, detailed training manual both online and a hard copy,
  • Access to about 40 handouts, some of which you will modify and use in your business saving you tons of time,
  • Handouts such as a Broker-Carrier Agreement template, Load Manager spreadsheets (you don’t need expensive software), database templates to help collect information from shippers and carriers, plus more …,
  • Access to about 20 valuable videos,
  • Unlimited support after formal training (my clients really love this one feature alone),
  • Several bonus eBooks that provide insight into the underpinnings of freight broker success,
  • One particular eBook to help you find and use freight agents IF you want to go this route,
  • Did I mention unlimited support after formal training?
  • Plus much more …

Secure Your Seat NOW with your deposit! Attendance is limited!

Note: Your deposit will not be captured by Atex until the deadlines. If a minimum of two separate paying parties for each venue is not registered by the deadline, your deposit will be returned or you may apply the deposit toward telephone and online training. It’s your call. Full refunds are available up until the initial deadlines. A 50% refund is offered until May 14 for Ontario and Garden Grove and May 26 for San Diego. After the May 14 and May 26 deadlines, no refunds are available. A $50 administrative fee applies to any deposit returned. You are required by the FMCSA to have a separate authority for a freight brokerage. If you do not have a freight broker company registered before class time (call if you have questions on this), we will process your applications for your broker authority after formal training and after John returns to El Paso. Attendance is first come, first served.
Register now with your deposit. Secure you seat.

Ontario, California

Ontario – May 20, 21, 1/2 day 22 (9 to 5 first two days; 9 to 12 noon last day)

Deposit $1,800 (Total Cost – $2,995, Balance due before training begins)

To Make Your Deposit for Ontario, Click “Buy Now” Below – Deadline May 10, 2019

Garden Grove, California

Garden Grove – May 24, 25, 1/2 day 26 (9 to 5 first two days; 9 to 12 noon last day)

Deposit $1,800 (Total Cost – $2,995, Balance due before training begins)

To Make Your Deposit for Garden Grove, Click “Buy Now” Below – Deadline May 10, 2019

San Diego (La Jolla), California

San Diego – May 31, June 1 and 1/2 day 2 (9 to 5 first two days; 9 to 12 noon last day)

Deposit $1,800 (Total Cost – $2,995, Balance due before training begins)

To Make Your Deposit for San Diego (La Jolla), Click “Buy Now” Below – Deadline May 24, 2019

** Be the first to register and attend – win a magicJackgo Digital Phone **

Questions? 1-888-526-ATEX(2839)

Can’t make the live training in SoCal? Consider “Training via Telephone & Internet”. You receive the same materials – detailed training manual, about 40 handouts and about 20 videos.

Click HERE now and let’s get started with telephone/online training.