Download my FREE eBook. This is a MUST HAVE resource for anyone who is considering the freight broker industry (About 40 pgs, 19 Topics) Enter your email address and name for an immediate download.

10% VETERAN DISCOUNT – Atex Freight Broker Pro
via Zoom

Save $250 with this Comprehensive, Detailed, Step-by-Step Zoom Training

You Must Fax In Your DD214 to 915-213-2130 BEFORE Materials Are Sent Out. Receive Unlimited Support After Formal Training with No Time Limit

Freight Broker Training – One-on-one Via Zoom with Unlimited Support $ 2,245.00 per person

New, updated and expanded training materials on important laws and requirements that directly impact freight brokers!

$ 2,245.00 per person (regularly $2,495.00)

Completely new section on powerful section on search strategies to uncover customers. Go where no one else is going and leave the competition in the dust.

Learn how to broker freight in a matter of days or weeks – and you don’t have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars doing it! This program is sent in eBook format and includes a comprehensive, step-by-step 5-Part training manual, about 40 handouts and over 18 video presentations.

You have about 12 hours (as a guide) of formal, one-on-one training after which you have unlimited support via telephone or email.

There are no refunds for materials or training. Training manual will not work on MACs.

The Veteran Discount does not apply to the live training in El Paso

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