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Three Points I Make in This Message …

Three Points I Make in This Message …

You have been receiving a lot of information here with a focus on trucking companies. Why? Freight brokering and trucking are the perfect marriage made in heaven.

But …

This does NOT mean you cannot succeed in brokering if you’ve never sat inside of a truck.

I am proof because I came out of an accounting background – didn’t know squat about brokering or trucking (actually I did some tax preparation for an OTR client years ago).

But it was that point in life where I had to get on to something completely different.

Freight brokering was the final choice.

I won’t go into all the details on my entrance into brokering but I will admit that my experience in brokering was “interrupted” by the training that I began to provide.

My training took off almost overnight to the point I had a decision to make. Can I try to serve two masters? Or shall I cut the cord with one?

Now mind you, while I was getting my brokerage off the ground, I was documenting every detail of what I was doing.

This initial documentation evolved into what is now all my current training offerings – freight broker, broker agent, hotshot and dispatcher training.

Freight brokering and trucking – just like my freight broker training – are scalable to whatever level you desire.

Once you get established, you probably will be generating recurring streams of income rather than working with spot loads. THIS is where it becomes fun and really profitable.

Keep this in mind – initially you’ll be on the phone a lot prospecting for new business – spot loads. But as soon as you can, you’ll want to start going out in person to call on potential customers.

Again, THIS is where it gets fun and more profitable. Years ago, the idea of making cold sales calls did NOT appeal to me.

Now, things are clearer.

You approach potential customers with no intention of selling anything (sort of).

Your goal is to begin a conversation.

Ask about basic stuff. Get them talking about their business. As they speak, you are seeking is to see if there are any needs that are not being met.

One of the most successful salesmen I’ve worked for said he “sells customers what they need.” Makes sense. You are not trying to sell them whatever you can – sell em’ what they need.

You know, you’re standing in the check out line at the grocery store and they have all these junky items on racks – everything from chocolate covered peanuts to energy boosters.

It’s called impulsive buying – it’s there so you just grab it on impulse.

I could elaborate here but I think you get the idea.

You can be talking to manufacturers, wholesalers, produce growers, distributors, construction operators – and on and on.

It actually becomes comfortable, and you don’t need to feel you have to “sell yourself”.

Now you may have to meet with someone at least seven times before you strike any kind of deal. It’s time consuming and this is where persistence pays off.

You can either go out yourself and talk to these people or you can hire a salesperson- a good one.

In my opinion, a good salesperson doesn’t come across as pushing sales – they ask questions, they listen.

One of my clients from Houston was actually doing over a million a year with trucking and brokering before he came to me; he would never have dreamed of using the telephone. His approach was to go out there and press the flesh.

It worked out well – the last time I spoke with him, he was doing over 4 million in sales.

I say all this to say three things: One, you DON’T have to come out of trucking background to succeed as a broker; two, you really want to incorporate personal visits at some point rather than relying on the phone; and, three, begin with moving spot loads then migrate into getting contract loads.

Again, I can elaborate more on these issues – call or email me now if any of this has piqued your interest.

If you have any questions, please call us at 888-526-ATEX (2839), Or

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