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Permian Basin in Southeast New Mexico
and West Texas

Here’s a short video of several pump jacks near Eunice, New Mexico

Lea and Eddy counties in S.E. New Mexico are two of the most prolific oil and gas-producing areas in the world. These two counties produce a little over 90% of New Mexico’s crude oil.

For over 10 years, I’ve been training mostly truck drivers and small fleet owners to become freight brokers. They come to El Paso from all around the Permian Basin which encompasses primarily Carlsbad and Hobbs, NM and the Midland-Odessa, TX areas (as well as from all around the country).

The entire basin area attracts world-wide attention as oil service businesses flock here each with their specialized niche. This week I attended a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new company to Hobbs. Their expertise – filling up well holes with cement (at the proper time, of course).

I don’t know about you, but American ingenuity, innovation and prowess REALLY hits my hot button. There’s nothing like it in the entire world!

Here’s what’s in it for YOU. Live training is being offered in Hobbs, NM (as well as in El Paso) for oil field workers (and others) who need not travel to El Paso. Within two and one-half days, you can become fully trained in all aspects of brokering freight.

It’s very simple to get started and the first three things to do are to check your calendar, call me and be thinking of a business name for your brokerage.

Note: for the foreseeable future, I’ll be hovering between El Paso and Hobbs. Hey I’ve got three little granddaughters here in Hobbs and they are crazy about their grandpa! Nuff said about that.

Now, go to this link below to learn more about live training in Hobbs. The sooner you get into this business the sooner you can start getting loads and making $$$.

>>> Live Freight Broker Training in Hobbs

Understand this – you may choose to broker loads in the Permian Basin AND you may choose to broker loads in all 48 states. It’s wide open once you get your broker authority.