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Three Questions/Requests for ChatGPT
I’ve mentioned Artificial Intelligence (AI) in several messages in the past and I’m a little surprised that I don’t trigger comments on this topic.
After all, AI is here now, it’s here to stay and it’s certainly going to be disruptive.
Yet, the lack of comments is not really all that surprising due to the fact that AI is sort of outside the scope of everyday work or play demands (for now).
AI (like blockchain technology) may be hard to grasp and understand.
So I’m going to demonstrate a certain aspect of AI by posing three questions/requests to ChatGPT. This is a free resource (for now) and some of you may already be using it as well.
You can pose a question or request in ChatGPT and you’ll get a printed answer almost instantly.
The first question I’ve posed is a bit general. And, if you understand garbage in, garbage out, you’ll understand that a general reply can be expected.
I’ve drilled down on each of the three questions/requests to get to more specifics.
My first question dealt with:
How will freight brokers fare in the next several decades with all the changes that are taking place?
I’ll show you the answer word-for-word to this in the following link.
Then my second request was:
Give me some specific examples of how freight brokers can better implement their services.
I’ll show you the ChatGPT answer as well.
And my last request was:
Provide me with the most recent vendors in the U.S., preferably, that can help freight brokers implement new technologies.
And, again, I’ll show you word for word the answer that ChatGPT provided.
It should be noted that ChatGPT lags two years behind. Don’t expect current results- otherwise, I’d be posing questions on race horses and heading off to Sunland Park Race Track or the Derby pronto.
>>> Click HERE for details on this ChatGPT exercise