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“The Definitive Guide to Growing Your Freight Broker Business
Using Freight Agents”

(Build an Army of Agents and Take Your Business to the Sky – 89 pgs)
eBook – $39.00
This eBook is in PDF format and is available for immediate download.
“I have read, and highly recommend to anyone even thinking about expanding their operations. A great comprehensive guide to adding agents or re-thing your current agent program”.
– Don Jipping – Vice President at 1st Security Financial Corporation
Suppose you could arrive at your office, turn the computer on, look at the load boards and then have the phone start ringing like crazy – without your having to make one phone call yourself?
How would you do this? Find answers to this question and more …..
When it comes to using agents in your freight broker business, you are looking at an entirely different type of business compared to just running a brokerage. There are managerial and operational requirements that demand a lot of attention.
Because of the extra ‘dimension’ involved in using agents, it is essential that brokers learn, and deal with, the more important issues and requirements BEFORE bringing agents on board.
The major topics included in this eBook are:
Your Business Model,
The Concept of ‘Agency’,
Setting Up Your Operations: Brokerage and Agency,
Recruiting to ‘Win’, and,
Growing Your Business Even More.
Do NOT become paralyzed due to all the uncertainties in setting up a broker agency. By taking action now, you will be giant steps ahead of those who are chasing their tails or getting bogged down in a sea of confusion.
If you are saying to yourself, ‘I know what I want to do. It is just that I am unable to exactly explain it. And, besides, I do NOT know where to begin’ ….. then this book is for you.
Want more detail on the content? Read on ….
What is the major purpose or function of an agent? (pg 7)
Where do you begin when creating your business model? (pg 10)
As agents search for new customers, what is better than a *big* target market? (pg 11)
Six marketing strategies that you and your agents can use to get customers. (pg 12)
Five potential obstacles you may face while building your agency. (pg 15)
What constitutes an Agency? (pg 20)
Seven issues that need to be dealt with before talking to your first potential agent. (pg 21)
Twelve operations’ issues that you will need to have established before bringing agents on board. (pg 22)
Where you can go and what you can do if your operations are not complete. (pg 23)
What you need to define when preparing your Broker-Agent Agreement. (pg 26)
Four different commission structures to use in your agency. (pg 27)
Customer and carrier acquisition procedures that need to be carried out flawlessly. (pg 29)
Three absolutely essential questions you need to provide answers for to your agents. (pg 30)
Five benchmarks used to evaluate shippers that you can suggest to your agents. (pg 31)
eBook – $39.00
This eBook is in PDF format and is available for immediate download. Includes two screen shots of our Load Manager spreadsheets – copy from them, then use them for yourself.)
Four benchmarks used to evaluate carriers that you can suggest to your agents. (pg 32)
Why and how your *offer package* that you provide to agents needs to be well-thought-out before you start talking to potential agents. (pg 33)
Eleven skill sets that you may be looking for in your agents (pg 38)
Six places you can go to to find agents. (pg 42)
Two strategies that you can use when interviewing potential agents. (pg 43)
Common questions that you and your agents can expect during the initial interview. (pg 45)
Several ways you and your agents can use to create better customer/carrier relations. (pg 51)
Four powerful strategies that you can use to grow your business even more. (pg 53)
Learn why all agents may not be equal and what to do about it. (pg 62)
Two spreadsheet screen shots showing how to record, monitor and evaluate agent, customer and overall performance. (Appendix B) Plus much more …..