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Surfing for a New Opportunity

Are You Surfing for a New Opportunity?

You may be at the point where you need something different in your life. You may be thinking about making a change and a big one at that.

If this is you, read on. Perhaps my personal experience can best explain how I caught some good waves and am still riding them out.

I began my freight broker business over 20 years ago. After exploring many options, freight brokering seemed to be the best fit for what I was looking for.

It had relatively low start-up and operating costs, I could work from home, I could work the entire country without relying upon one geographic area, I did not need employees or inventory, it was essentially telephone and internet based and the profit potential seemed to be great and realistic.

So I got in!

Well, things were tough at first. It was more difficult than I had imagined.

The business concept is simple enough but there were many details and procedures and they had to be done in the right way – or else! – or else I’d be left in the dust.

After struggling for months – first to get organized and later making a ton of phone calls ….. I was almost ready to quit.

But I kept pressing on and I took notes and documented all my activity. After a lot of phone calls, I started to get the big picture by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

And, I was getting loads – first a few here and a few there.

Then fast forward maybe four or six months later … I was getting some repeat business. Shippers were calling ME instead of me always calling them! Several truckers in my home town, El Paso, were calling me 2-3 times a day asking for loads.

They weren’t worried about being a pest. I liked their aggressiveness.

There were days when I was so busy that I didn’t have time to floss my teeth! That’s bad.

Yes, there were also days when I was twiddling my thumbs wondering what’s going on – or what’s NOT going on. That was the most difficult part of brokering starting out.

Now, you may be wondering if freight brokering is a good option for you. If you’re in trucking it certainly makes sense and it can give your bottom line a real kick.

But I came out of an accounting background to start my brokerage and didn’t know beans from buckshot about logistics. I did take some training but with only five pieces of paper for my training “manual”, I came away frustrated to say the least.

So, you don’t necessarily have to come from a trucking background.

Now, eventually I got into training others. After all, I had been documenting all my activity, as mentioned above.

My training took off like a rocket.

I was swamped. Some of my regular shippers were calling – “John, where are you? I’ve got loads.” I had to admit that my training was taking all of my time.

That’s my story in a nut shell and I haven’t looked back since then.

Recently, Lilly, one of my former clients called me – she had a friend she was referring to me.

Now, Lillie trained with over 15 years ago! She’s STILL working the business! I was thrilled to hear this. I’ve trained well over 800 individuals and YOU could be my next one.

There is a silver lining around this dark cloud we have been experiencing with low rates and volumes – and those who act now will reap the benefits in due time – things are projected to pick up.

Getting in at the right time is crucial if you want to catch a good wave.

If you’re looking for the straight scoop on this industry or my training options, I want you to call me 1-888-526-ATEX (2839). Or shoot me an email – see below.

With my training options – Live here in Houston or via Zoom, you can get trained in less than a week, you’ll then need another couple of weeks to get organized and get your paperwork back – and then it’s up to you (and you’ll have unlimited support for as long as you need me).

If you have any questions, please call us at 888-526-ATEX (2839), Or

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