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Sample Freight Broker Business Plan
It does take time and effort to do some research, to think about how YOU want to start and operate your business and then to put it into written form.
Listen, you are not writing a college thesis – you’re telling your story based upon your research and from your heart. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
You may be the only one that’s going to read it.
BUT it will make you THINK by putting your dreams into written form.
Don’t hire someone to do it (people used to ask me to write their business plan years ago). It should be YOUR story.
You’re going to think how you want to work – sole proprietorship or LLC; you’re going to decide who your target market is; you’re going to explore ideas on how you will reach your market; you’re going to figure your start up costs first and then your monthly operating costs that follow; you’re going to check you’re personal resources – not only financial but skill wise as well … and so on and so forth.
Many people think they know in their head what all they will do and how they will do it. Ya’ll must be geniuses!
Once you start writing, ideas begin to pop up. You’re going to jot them down. Some you’ll pitch to the side; some you’ll develop in more detail.
Why ignore spending five, ten, even twenty hours or more to write your story? After all, you’re probably planning to spend several thousand dollars or more to get your baby up and running.
Give your business the courtesy of getting properly prepared. Be good to your business and it will be good to you.
Listen, I have something to help you get started.
I’ve got a Sample Freight Broker Business Plan for free. That’s zip, zero, nada, no-cost – you get it?
Free Sample Freight Broker Business Plan – Immediate Download
Get Started and Build It as You Go … It Should Be Sort of On-Going
Some people think that if it’s free, it must not be worth much. That’s why I usually charge for info. If I charge, it’s not because I need the money – it’s because I want you to see value in it.
Sample business plans may cost over a hundred dollars online. Go ahead, do some research – see if this isn’t true. Some companies provide templates. This may help.
But, I saw one ad where the person was able to write and print her plan in FIVE MINUTES! Wow! Such a deal! In FIVE MINUTES she was able to write and print her story.
Gimme a break … wonder how fast it took her to go bankrupt … 20 seconds … or less? Hope I’m not being too cruel …
Now I will admit that if you are using Chat GPT you may get some good content and ideas. BUT IT WON’T BE CURRENT INFO. Chat GPT is about two years behind. Don’t neglect this option if you are so inclined.
If you choose to download my sample business plan, allow me to guide you: First,
- Look at the Table of Contents and ponder each topic,
- Just this exercise above will take more than five minutes,
- Then, as you’re reading my content, make notes about YOUR plans,
- Lastly, some of the content may NOT be for you – even the financial stuff. Redo it with YOUR research, ideas and plans,
- My sample plan is actually a bit light on content … that’s why it’s a sample
Remember, this FREE sample business plan is based upon MY actual experience plus my many years of training on this topic. I’ve modified the content but it’s realistic.
Free Sample Freight Broker Business Plan – Immediate Download
Get Started and Build It as You Go … It Should Be Sort of On-Going
Now, in my comprehensive freight broker training, I do provide templates for the cash flow projections. I can explain these further if you call or email me.
The truth be told, a freight broker business is rather simple as compared to a trucking company. Don’t let this simplicity, however, deceive you. You STILL need to give the brokerage business a great deal of thought.
I will say that if I were training on how to start a trucking company, we’d get much deeper into the financial start-up costs and on-going expenses.
You NEVER want to sit in front of a banker without knowing what your breakeven point is in trucking. And there are different ways to look at breakeven points.
Well, this was supposed to be a one-page deal to just give away my sample business plan but there seems to be no end – and this is good, I guess.
If you have any questions, please call me at 888-526-ATEX (2839), Or …
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