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Mini Operational Audit – Future Developments

Mini Operational Audit – Future Developments

I began freight broker training in 2003 after working my freight brokerage for some time. My training took off overnight and I gave up my brokerage to concentrate on training.

My second client – as we were finishing up training – said I really should be charging $1,000. He paid $695. That was good to hear – he found value.

I’ve increased the content and scope of freight broker training over the years and plan to continue doing this.

Here’s the thing, I’m capable of helping small trucking companies in very practical ways, especially with financials and some operations.

Believe me, I can help here. Far too many individuals are getting into trucking without covering some badly needed basic issues first.

When I began my freight broker training over 20 years ago, I had some clients come on-board and they were just “going to try it.” I trained them any way.

Going forward, this won’t happen.

I want people bent on success. They may plan to have a small fleet or they may have more ambitious plans.

Either way, a business owner has to plan for getting properly prepared to run a trucking company or a brokerage efficiently and effectively.

Trucking and brokering are not something you just want to “try” and see what happens.

One client about 15 years ago, told me he wanted to hire agents and do $20 million a year. That’s great. Well, about 3 years after his training, he called me and he was doing about $7 million a year (he was on track) BUT his bookkeeper was diverting funds into a personal account and not paying trucks.

Folks, that’s a death sentence.

He knew how to make money – he just didn’t know how to protect it.

It’s a matter of setting up operations as air-tight as you can to prevent fraud or theft.

Anyway … do you have a small trucking company or planning to start one? …

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