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I’m Expanding My Services

I’m Expanding My Services

I’ve mentioned several times in previous messages the fact that I’m expanding my services.

They are coming – freight (truck) dispatcher training, hot shot training, a greater outreach for military veterans and even bookkeeping services, plus more.

I have recruited some good help; otherwise, it would just remain a dream. It’s better to dream and take action rather than just remain a dreamer.

For the bookkeeping, I worked as a certified public accountant in Illinois before coming to the southwest and did A LOT of accounting, payroll taxes, even income taxes. I don’t plan to do income taxes any more but I know there is a need for bookkeeping services.

Anyway, I’m researching information related to all of this. And it’s fascinating. Take for example, DAT’s transportation management system software (TMS).

The gal in the video flies through an overview and mentions a feature that intrigued me. She said their system will provide profit and margin information for each load. Well, that’s good … BUT you want profit and margin info for each SHIPPER.

This way, you can compare a key indicator – profits and margins – and see which shipper is giving you the biggest bang for your buck.

In another source, one of the TMS’s did NOT offer driver tracking. I cannot understand this. As a freight broker or dispatcher, you HAVE TO know how to track your drivers.

Anyway, I’m putting in a lot of time and effort to learn as much as possible with the goal to help YOU work less in this struggle to gain a better understanding.

I’m sorry – I meant to keep this to just a couple of paragraphs but I get to rambling. And, trust me, I could go on and on and on.

In fact, we would do this together during freight broker training. Sure hope you can join me soon.

You can call or email to get started.

I’ll save revealing my plans for doing KPI training for another day.

If you have any questions, please call us at 888-526-ATEX (2839), Or

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