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How Are You Doing? Have You Found Your Passion?
Yes, how are you doing?
I really mean it – how are you doing insofar as your creating dreams, creating plans, and taking action on these dreams and plans?
I know what “I’m” doing (most of the time) and with the following that I have, I often wonder if most of you are moving in a positive direction.
Freight brokering, trucking, hotshots, dispatching – all of these are potential channels for you to make your dreams and plans come to reality.
But you may not have an interest in any of these channels.
Let’s say you’re an accountant, or fire fighter, or chemical analyst or whatever. Seldom does a child at age six wake up one morning and announce to their mom and dad that they want to be an accountant, or fire fighter, or chemical analyst or whatever.
It just doesn’t’ work that way.
However, somewhere along the way after age six they ran into people, experiences or circumstances and they adopted a game plan to enter their current status.
But have they found their true calling?
I’ll tell you up front that many, if not most, of these accountants, fire fighters, chemical analysts or whatever may be leading dull lives – or, at least, they are merely playing out their roles as best as they can – waiting for the weekends.
Why is it this way? Why are so many leading dull lives or just going about living a plastic life that has no durability?
It’s because they haven’t identified their real passion and acted on it.
Is this where you’re at right now? Are you at the point where you KNOW you have to make a change and, yet, you don’t know exactly where or how to get started?
I’ve been there …
I won’t go into detail but my passion is analyzing, creating content and teaching others.
I first got a degree in sociology years ago which means nothing in the job market. Then, by chance, I ran into an individual who told me about his family investment club.
That’s all it took. I returned to college and got a second degree in accounting so I could analyze financial statements. And to this day I’m analyzing investments, stocks at first and now crypto assets too.
Eventually I plan to create training probably targeting beginners and those facing retirement or perhaps busy young professionals.
Get this: EVERY DAY over 11,000 people turn age 65 and the majority of them are ill-prepared for retirement.
The problem is that it may take a long time to discover your passion. Then, once you identify it, it may take a lot of guts to actually get out of your rut and get into your passion.
But for some of you the clock is ticking …
You may pay a price in getting out of your rut – but what can be more fulfilling than actually making an attempt to fulfill your passion? And if you succeed – wow!
Yes, currently I’m doing freight and logistics training. Is it a far cry from my plans for investment training? Well, not for me.
Logistics has always fascinated me as well as investing and they both require fundamental platforms and strategies upon which training is based.
Now if your passion is doing quilting and making blankets all day long – go for it. Do NOT neglect doing it.
But if you absolutely need to enter the freight and logistics industries, I’m here to help. It’s better if you have some connection to trucking or freight but it’s your passion that counts.
After all, my programs are expensive and are something you don’t want to just give it a try to see if it works. Your passion should dictate your actions.
Before you spend a nickel on any of my training, there is a lot of free or low-cost information on my website and elsewhere. Plus, you can call or email me and you’ll get ME not a receptionist.
Don’t just sit there – let’s get on with it.