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Building Your Business

When you begin to build your freight broker business you are usually treading on new ground. You are trying different things to get started. You monitor and record the results of your effort. Then you tend to zero in on one or several strategies.

Sometimes starting out, however, you may feel uncomfortable in the new ground that you are treading. This is normal. Other times, you may be uncertain about what path to take. This is normal too.

With most business start-ups there are seldom one or two exact routes to success. In fact, with most start-ups, there is no absolute assurance of success. The tactics that you employ may or may not bear fruit.

That’s why we teach several different strategies for finding loads; instead of asking, “What is the BEST way to find loads,” ask “Let’s find out how many different ways are there to find loads?”

Some of the beginning problems in freight brokering are:

  • Not knowing where to get started

  • Not knowing when to rely upon others and

  • Not knowing how to monitor your results.

Perhaps, the most powerful strategy is go go out face-to-face and meet with potential customers. I’d forget about trying to make appointments … just drop in and be ready with some promotional materials.

Another tactic that can be useful starting out is to check out your competition. You can do this simply by using the Internet. Do you have something of value that THEY are not addressing?

Whatever approach you use, you might want to sit down and decide how you want to proceed.

So, by using a combination of talking to others (maybe even the competition) and doing your own research, you might be headed for starting a business that will endure for generations.

If you want to get on a more fast-track to getting started, consider the benefits of training via Zoom OR live training right here in El Paso, Texas. You can be calling on shippers in as little as 30 days or so after starting training.

There is no better time than now to get started. Here’s why …

Things have slowed down since the covid situation has slowed down. Truck rates have been lousy for a year or more. In my opinion, THIS is opportunity because everything goes in cycles.

Getting prepared to broker freight now may be better than waiting until you get in on the tail end. For sure, it’s going to take months to build a database of carriers and THIS is what shippers need. They need you to help find trucks.

If you have any questions, please call us at 888-526-ATEX (2839), Or

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