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Couple of Quick Items …


1. Legislation affecting brokers
2. Structured live training for El Paso
3. Total cost for starting a brokerage


1. Legislation affecting brokers

I’m putting together new materials that will help “pull together” some of the legislation and legal issues affecting brokers, starting with SafeStat and CSA 2010. We will focus on the topics of “negligent carrier selection” and “vicarious liability” that have been costing some brokers millions of dollars.

Other topics in the future may include: MAP 21, FAST Act, CARB, HOS, ELDs, speed limiters, the new food shipping mandate, driver training, CDL training for Vets, national carrier hiring standards, owner operators and independent contractors, autonomous trucks, etc., etc.

Stay tuned for an announcement on our initial topic of broker liability.

2. Structured live training for El Paso

Starting in September, live training will be offered during the third week of September, January, March and May. Up to three separate parties may attend. There will be a deadline on the application and deposit that is required before each training session. The price will remain the same as it is now – $2,995. Stay tuned on this as well.

Live training in El Paso outside of the third week may be taken but there will be a cost increase, starting in September. Plus, there will be a surcharge for any training day that hits on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday.

Go here to learn more about live training in El Paso, TX:

>>> Freight Broker Training – Live in El Paso, Texas <<<

3. Total cost for starting a brokerage

Buried inside my website are estimates on the total cost for starting a freight brokerage. The major factors determining the total cost are:

a) how you choose to train (there are three ways), b) which program you decide to go with on the trust fund/surety bond, c) how you decide to register your company, d) which program you choose for using a load board, and e) what working capital you have available.

Real quick, let’s go over this:

  • a) Live training currently – $2,995; training over the telephone & Internet currently – $1,995, and Home Study – $1,295 (discount for DD214 Veterans for telep & Int and Home Study). Just completed! Low-cost training for less than $800 – if you want quality materials but you’re on a budget.

  • b) The Trust fund may be paid $995 every three months or $3,500 up front for the entire year. In addition to the trust fund, there is the motor carrier number, $300, the UCR, $80 and the BOC-3, $39. You can get started with your authority for about $1,400 ($995+$300+$80+$39).

  • c) Setting up a sole proprietorship is the most simple and least expensive method. Otherwise, setting up some form of corporation or partnership may run $50 to $500 IF you do it yourself (I can help to some extent on this).

  • d) One load board may run $35 per month for the basic package up to $149 per month for more features. We explore these issues in the training.

  • e) Working capital – it’s good to have several thousand dollars available to pay your carriers on time. You usually will pay them before you get paid from the customer. A cushion of several thousand dollars up to $25K should get you started. We explore your options on this in the training but an ideal start is with a line of credit from your bank.

So, when callers ask “What is the total cost?”, one can see that “it all depends” and there is no quick and easy answer.

Trust me, your monthly overhead may run as low as $200-$500 per month, again depending upon your options to get started. This is great news!. Your monthly overhead is peanuts compared to the potential income you can expect.

I hope all this has been helpful. Shoot me an email if you have questions on getting started. Give me a call if you are ready to place your order.

Email me at: info at atexfreightbrokertraining dot com