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Cash Flow Planning & Management

Building Your Business from the Ground Up

Regardless of what industry you are in or what products or services you sell – the entire underpinning of your business depends upon properly managing and planning your cash flow needs.

Your sources of cash inflows may consist of cash sales or revenues, payments received on accounts receivable, deposits or retainers, short or long-term loans, and capital contributions from owners.Your sources of cash outflows may consist of cash operating expenses, payments for accounts payable or other debt and owner distributions.

If you notice, the entire cash flow scenario is a two-sided coin. Cash In and Cash Out. When the one is considered without the other, it’s almost guaranteed that serious problems are in the making.

Let’s face it – cash flow burdens consume a large portion of worry for most business owners. Yes, you have to GET some cash before you are able to MANAGE it – GETTING IT is learned with my freight broker training.

MANAGING IT can be viewed in this short video below.

3 Month Cash Flow Tutorial – Video
Click here and use this format to project your cash flows

Here are your training options:

Telephone & Internet Freight Brokering Training
Telephone & Internet Training


Live training in El Paso, Texas:
Live Training in El Paso, Texas


Train for less than $800 – it’s detailed, step-by-step instruction:
Our Low-Cost Training